Scalpel Handle, No: 3, 4 & 7Description :SI-1010Scalpel Handle B.P.No. 3SI-1015Scalpel Handle B.P.No. 4SI-1020Scalpel Handle B.P.No. 7 Fine scissor pointed sharp straight & curvedDescription :SI-1101Fine Scissor Pointed SharpSI-1105Fine Scissor Pointed Curved Dressing Scissors Curved (SI-1125)Description :Product code : SI-1125Dressing scissors curved, Size 12.5 CM, 15CM, 17.5CM & 20 CM. Dressing Scissors Straight size (SI-1110)Description :Product code: SI-1110Dressing scissor straight, Size 10.5 cm straight Scissor Mayo’s Straight (SI-1151)Description :Product code : SI-1151Scissor Mayo’s Straight Size 14CM, 16.5 CM & 19 CM. Scissor Mayo’s Curved (SI-1161)Description :Product code: SI-1161Scissor Mayo’s Curved Size 14 CM, 16.5 CM & 19 CM Scissor Metzenbaum Straight & Curved (SI-1170, SI-1178)Description :Product code: SI-1170, SI-1178Scissor metzenbaum straight & curved Size 17.5CM, 20CM & 22.5CM. Scissor Suture Cutting (SI-1180)Description :Product code : SI-1180Scissor suture cutting ‘HEATH’ Size 15CM. Scissor Bandage ‘Lister’ (SI-1185)Description :Product code : SI-1185Scissor Bandage ‘Lister’ Size 14Cm & 19CM. Scissor Gauge Cutting (SHOP) (SI-1190)Description :Product code : SI-1190Scissor Gauge Cutting Size 17.5CM & 20 Cm. Dissecting Forceps (SI-1201)Description :Product code : SI-1201Dissecting ForcepsSize 12.5CM, 15CM, 17.5CM, 20CM & 25CM Dissecting Forceps Kocher (Tissue) (SI-1211)Description :Product code : SI-1211Dissecting forcepsSize 12.5CM, 15Cm, 17.5CM, 20CM & 25CMKocher(TISSUE) with 1X2 Teeth. Dissecting Forceps ‘Adson’ (SI-1225)Description :Product code : SI-1225Dissecting Forceps ‘Adson’ Size 11CM. Dissecting Forceps ‘Adson’ with teeth (SI-1227)Description :Product code : SI-1227Dissecting Forceps ‘Adson’ size 11CM with 1X2 teeth. Dissecting Forceps ‘Gillies’ (SI-1230)Description :Product code : SI-1230Dissecting forceps ‘Gillies’ Size 15CM. Dissecting Forceps ‘Waugh’ (SI-1232)Description :Product code : SI-1232Dissecting Forceps ‘Waugh’ size 20CM, Plain & Toothed Dissecting Foarceps ‘Mc-Indoe’ (SI-1237, SI-1238)Description :Product code : SI-1237, SI-1238SI-1237Dissecting Foarceps ‘Mc-Indoe’ size 15 cm, PlainSI-1238Dissecting Foarceps ‘Mc-Indoe’, size: 15 cm. with 1:2 Teeth. Artery Forceps ‘Halsted’ Mosquito (SI-1301, SI-1302)Description :Product code : SI-1301, SI-1302SI-1301Artery Forceps ‘Halsted’ Mosquito, 12.5 CM. StraightSI-1302Artery Forceps ‘Halsted’ Mosquito, 12.5 cm. Curved Artery Forceps ‘Spencer-Wells’ (SI-1305, SI-1312)Description :Product code : SI-1305, SI-1312SI-1305Artery Forceps ‘Spencer-Wells’ Size: 12.5 cm. StraightSI-1312Artery Forceps ‘Spencer-Wells’ Size 12.5 cm. Curved Artery Forceps ‘Kelly’s (SI-1320, SI-1322)Description :Product code : SI-1320, SI-1322SI-1320Artery Forceps ‘Kelly’s Size 15 cm StraightSI-1322Artery Forceps ‘Kelly’s Size 15 cm. Curved Artery Forceps ‘Crile’ (SI-1325, SI-1327)Description :Product code : SI-1325, SI-1327SI-1325Artery Forceps ‘Crile’ Size 14 cm. StraightSI-1327Artery Forceps ‘Crile’ Size 14 cm. Curved Artery Forceps ‘Mixer’ (SI-1345)Description :Product code : SI-1345SI-1345Artery Forceps ‘Mixer’ 18 cm, 23 cm. Artery Forceps ‘Lahey’ (SI-1350)Description :Product code : SI-1350SI-1350Artery forceps ‘Lahey’ Size 19 cm, 23 cm. Artery Forceps ‘Negus’ (SI-1352)Description :Product code : SI-1352SI-1352Artery Forceps ‘NEGUS’ Size 19 cm. Artery Forceps ‘Birket’ (SI-1355, SI-1358)Description :Product code : SI-1355, SI-1358SI-1355Artery Forceps ‘Birket’, 19 cm. StraightSI-1358Artery Forceps ‘Birket’, 19 cm. Curved Towel Clip Cross Action (SI- 1401)Description :Product code : SI- 1401SI- 1401Towel Clip Cross Action, 9CM. Towel Forceps ‘Mayo’ (SI-1405)Description :Product code : SI-1405SI-1405Towel Forceps ‘MAYO’, Size 9CM, 12.5CM, 15 CM. Towel Forceps ‘Moynihans’ (SI-1415)Description :Product code : SI-1415SI-1415Towel Forceps ‘Moynihans’ Size 19CM Tissue Forceps ‘Allis’ (SI-1425)Description :Product code : SI-1425SI-1425Tissue Forceps ‘ALLIS’ with 1:2, 3:4, 4:5, 5:6,Teeth Size: 12.5CM, 15CM, 17.5CM & 20CM Tissue Forceps ‘BABCOCK’ (SI-1451)Description :Product code : SI-1451SI-1451* Tissue Forceps ‘Babcock’ 16CM, 20 CM Intestinal Clamp ‘Doyen’ (SI-1455, SI-1458)Description :Product code : SI-1455, SI-1458SI-1455Intestinal Clamp ‘Doyen’ Size 23cm. StraightSI-1458Intestinal Clamp ‘Doyen’ Size 23cm. CurvedIntestinal clamp ‘Doyen’ Size 23CM, Straight & Curved. Intestinal Clamp Crushing (SI-1460)Description :Product code : SI-1460SI-1460Intestinal clamp crushing, ( PAYR’S ) Blade 6Cm, 10CM & 15CM. Intestinal Clamp ‘Lanes’ (SI-1465, SI-1468)Description :Product code : SI-1465, SI-1468SI-1465Intestinal Clamp ‘Lane’s Twin StraightSI-1468Intestinal Clamp ‘Lane’s Twin CurvedIntestinal clamp ‘lanes’ twin Straight & Curved. Needle Holder ‘Mayo Hegar’ (SI-1470)Description :Product code : SI-1470SI-1470Needle Holder ‘Mayo Hegar’, Size 12Cm, 15Cm, 17.5CM, 20CM & 25CM. Needle Holder ‘Bozemann’ (SI-1478)Description :Product code : SI-1478SI-1478Needle Holder ‘Bozemann’, Size: 20CM Needle Holder ‘Kilner’ (SI-1480)Description :Product code : SI-1480SI-1480Needle Holder ‘Kilner’ Size: 13CM. Needle Holder ‘Mathieu’ (SI-1482)Description :Product code : SI-1482SI-1482Needle Holder ‘Mathieu’ Size: 17CM. Needle Holder ‘Gillies’ (SI-1485)Description :Product code : SI-1485SI-1485Needle holder with scissors ‘GILLIES’ Size 15CM. Sterilizer Forceps ‘Cheatle’ (SI-1500)Description :Product code : SI-1500SI-1500Sterilizer Forceps ‘Cheatle’, Size 20CM & 25CM. Sterilizer Forceps ‘Cheatle’ Heavy Pattern (SI-1505)Description:Product code : SI-1505SI-1505Sterilizer forceps cheatle ‘Heavy Pattern’ Size 28CM Sterilizer Forceps ‘Harrison’ (SI-1507)Description :Product code : SI-1507SI-1507Sterilizer forceps ‘Harrison’ Bowl, Size 25Cm Sterilizer Forceps for Syrings & Needle (SI-1512)Description :Product code : SI-1512SI-1512Sterizer forceps for syringe & needle, Size 15CM. Probe with Eye (SI-1520)Description :Product code : SI-1520SI-1520Probe with eye size: 15CM, 20CM, 25CM. Grooved Director with Tongue Tie (SI-1530)Description :Product code : SI-1530SI-1530Grooved director with tongue tie. Probe ‘Jobson Horne’ (SI-1535)Description :Product code : SI-1535SI-1535Probe ‘Jobson Horne’ Retractor ‘Lengenbeck’ (SI-1600)Description :Product code : SI-1600SI-1600Retractor lengenbeck, Size 7, 12, 18 MM width. Retractor ‘Deaver’ (SI-1605)Description :Product code : SI-1605SI-1605Retractor ‘Deavers’ Various sizes. Retractor ‘Czerny’ (SI-1610)Description :Product code : SI-1610SI-1610Retractor ‘Czerny’ . Retractor ‘Roux’ (SI – 1614)Description :Product code : SI – 1614SI – 1614Retractor ‘ROUX’ set of 3. Retractor ‘Farbeuf’ (SI-1620)Description :Product code : SI-1620SI-1620Retractor ‘Farabeuf’ set of 2 Retractor ‘Volkman’ (SI-1625)Description :Product code : SI-1625SI-1625Retractor ‘Volkman’ Retractor ‘Kilner’ (SI-1635)Description :Product code : SI-1635SI-1635Retractor ‘Kilner’. Retractor (SI-1636, SI-1638)Description :Product code : SI-1636, SI-1638SI-1636Retractor hook single & double.SI-1638Retractor hook single & double. Retractor ‘Morris’ (SI-1650)Description :Product code : SI-1650SI-1650Size: 5CM, 6CM, 7.5CM & 10CM Width Retractor ‘Doyen’ with solid ALM Handle (SI-1660)Description :Product code : SI-1660SI-1660Retractor ‘Doyen’ with solid ALM Handle Retractor ‘Morris’ with solid ALM. Handle (SI-1665)Description :Product code : SI-1665SI-1665Retractor ‘Morris’ with solid ALM handle. Retractor ‘Doyen’ (SI-1640)Description :Product code : SI-1640SI-1640Sizes 5 cm, 6 cm, 7.5 cm, 10 cm width. Retractor ‘Kelly’ (SI-1672)Description :Product code : SI-1672SI-1672Size: 38CM X 160CM Retractor Self Retaining ‘Balfour’ (SI-1675)Description :Product code : SI-1675SI-1675Retractor self retaining ‘Balfour’. Retractor Self Retaining COLLINS ‘POZZI’ (SI-1680)Description :Product code : SI-1680SI-1680Retractor Self Retaining ‘POZZI’ Retractor Self Retaining ‘Jansen’ (SI-1682)Description :Product code : SI-1682SI-1682Retractor self retainging ‘Jansen’ size 10CM. Retractor Self Retaining ‘Million’ (SI-1685)Description :Product code : SI-1685SI-1685Retractor self retaining ‘Million’ set of 5. Retractor Self Retaining ‘Mollison’ (Si-1687)Description :Product code : Si-1687Si-1687Retractor self retaining Mollison Retractor ‘Joll Valva’ (SI-1688)Description :Product code : SI-1688SI-1688Retractor ‘Joll Valva. Retractor Self Retaining ‘Beckmann’ (SI-1690)Description :Product code : SI-1690SI-1690Size : 10CM X 10CM, Sharp, Prong 17MM Deep Retractor Self Retaining ‘Gelpi’ (SI-1692)Description :Product code : SI-1692SI-1692Retractor ‘GELPHI’ (Perineum) Self Retaining. Retractor Self Retaining for Rib Spreader (SI-1694)Description :Product code : SI-1694SI-1694Retractor for RIB spreader self retaining small MED LARGE. Retractor Self Retaining For Ribs Adult Burford (SI-1696)Description :Product code : SI-1696SI-1696Retractor self retaining for RIBS ADULT ‘ BURGORD’